Do One Thing At A Time ::
Avoid multi-tasking. When our attention is divided between multiple thoughts at the same time, we cannot excel in any of them. It’s best to place all focus on one task before moving on to another.
Slow down ::
It’s easy to speed through your day and not notice the little things. Slowing down is a vital part of simplifying your life and enjoying what you have. With focus, you can get the same tasks done without rushing. The key to being effective and productive is to work strategically, not blindly, by understanding why you are doing what you’re doing.
Be The Important ::
The only time we are guaranteed to have is this moment. Since the only time we have is right now, make sure you’re using your right now the way you truly want.
Clear The Clutter ::
Clearing the clutter from your home and from your life is easier said than done. We are often emotionally attached to our posessions. This attachment goes beyond our need and we find it difficult to let go of nostalgia. When we are free of physical clutter, it frees our minds as well.
Control Your Spending ::
You’ve heard the saying “The best things in life are free.” Money brings comfort, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying that comfort.
Enjoy What You Have Now ::
If you want to have more enjoyment in your life, enjoy what you have. It is said that in order to live the life you love, you have to love the life you have. We don’t have to seek beyond ourselves in order to find happiness. No one person has everything they want; but we all have some things worth enjoying.
Is Less Really More?
The Zen of Space ::
There is beauty in space, but we fail to recognize it because we can’t see through things we own. This is the principle behind Japanese style homes. Beauty in small spaces is the appreciation of minimalism. We need to understand that space is to be enjoyed, not filled.
Conserved Energy ::
Fewer belongings means we have fewer possessions to worry about.
Free Your Space ::
Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. By cleaning out and simplifying our outer space, our inner space will open up.
Appreciation/Acceptance ::
It is the seed for abundance; abundance of the mind and the soul. It’s pretty amazing how little we actually need.
Avoid multi-tasking. When our attention is divided between multiple thoughts at the same time, we cannot excel in any of them. It’s best to place all focus on one task before moving on to another.
Slow down ::
It’s easy to speed through your day and not notice the little things. Slowing down is a vital part of simplifying your life and enjoying what you have. With focus, you can get the same tasks done without rushing. The key to being effective and productive is to work strategically, not blindly, by understanding why you are doing what you’re doing.
Be The Important ::
The only time we are guaranteed to have is this moment. Since the only time we have is right now, make sure you’re using your right now the way you truly want.
Clear The Clutter ::
Clearing the clutter from your home and from your life is easier said than done. We are often emotionally attached to our posessions. This attachment goes beyond our need and we find it difficult to let go of nostalgia. When we are free of physical clutter, it frees our minds as well.
Control Your Spending ::
You’ve heard the saying “The best things in life are free.” Money brings comfort, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying that comfort.
Enjoy What You Have Now ::
If you want to have more enjoyment in your life, enjoy what you have. It is said that in order to live the life you love, you have to love the life you have. We don’t have to seek beyond ourselves in order to find happiness. No one person has everything they want; but we all have some things worth enjoying.
Is Less Really More?
The Zen of Space ::
There is beauty in space, but we fail to recognize it because we can’t see through things we own. This is the principle behind Japanese style homes. Beauty in small spaces is the appreciation of minimalism. We need to understand that space is to be enjoyed, not filled.
Conserved Energy ::
Fewer belongings means we have fewer possessions to worry about.
Free Your Space ::
Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. By cleaning out and simplifying our outer space, our inner space will open up.
Appreciation/Acceptance ::
It is the seed for abundance; abundance of the mind and the soul. It’s pretty amazing how little we actually need.