Long back while watching Discovery Channel. In a Program, I heard them say:
"Our Body is Dynamic. Changes every day. Each & Every Day... !
Human Skeleton is COMPLETELY RENEWED every 10 years."
*Current Research -- PMID: 8519493, PMID: 597437 [[Pubmed IDs]]
We say that:
(1) His Eyes are intense.
I'm trying to say that - Its All in the Eyes !
A person lying naked on the bed... can be anyone from a child to someone selling body for money. And EYES can be anything from Saintly Ignorant to Gyenocologist at Work to a Ponce to Sharp Shooter to Fighter Pilot to a Mother[[who feels - and not just See It !]]Some Child [[unable to See beyond some feet !]] to a Blind[[who still can see - WITHOUT EYES !]]...
Or may be YOUR OWN EYES !
Well this Human Body as we SEE is not the same for long. Beautiful today, can be Granny tomorrow[[& Still be Beautiful !]]. And maybe, Macho today, will need a Helping Hand to Stand[[& Yet be a Macho Man !]]. This is the way life continues.
Also, Eyes are a language in themselves. They can speak, that words can't.
“There is a road from the EYE to HEART that does not go through the intellect.”
~G.K. Chesterton
The romantic guys always say:
"Beauty lies in the EYES of the Beholder."
I add:
"Beauty lies in everything. Only if you can SEE."
"Tell them, dear, that if EYES were made for SEEING,Then BEAUTY is its own excuse for being."~Ralph Waldo Emerson (The Rhodora)
Complain to the manufacturer, Not Me."
Lol:-) too good