This Blog is for the Children at Heart.
Grown Ups are Strictly Prohibited !
Meaningful, Cretin-Like, Silent, Madness, Eloquence, Wordless, Human, Apish, Quintessential, Crude, Dreams, Freaks, Ideas, Innocense, Science, Arts, Plants, Animals, History, Geography, Physics, Biology, Poetry, Cultures, People, Giggles, Laughter, Stories, Fairies...
Hi I'm Rahul.
Join Me in My Journey of Thoughts.
Happiness & Good Health to You All...
Grown Ups are Strictly Prohibited !
When you look kool uoy nehW
into a mirror rorrim a otni
it is not ton si ti
yourself you see ees uoy flesruoy
but a kind dnik a tub
of apish error rorre hsipa fo
posed in fearful lufraef ni desop
symmetry yrtemmys
~John Updike (Mirror, Telephone Poles and Other Poems)
Meaningful, Cretin-Like, Silent, Madness, Eloquence, Wordless, Human, Apish, Quintessential, Crude, Dreams, Freaks, Ideas, Innocense, Science, Arts, Plants, Animals, History, Geography, Physics, Biology, Poetry, Cultures, People, Giggles, Laughter, Stories, Fairies...
Hi I'm Rahul.
Join Me in My Journey of Thoughts.
Come Hands on With Me With Your Perspective on My Thoughts !"And see, no longer blinded by our eyes."
~Rupert Brooke
Happiness & Good Health to You All...