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Slovak Proverbs and Sayings !

[1] Silená modlitba nejde do neba.
Compulsory prayers never reach heaven.

[2] Pán Boh nie náhlivý, ale pamätlivý.
God is not impatient but mindful.

[3] Natiahni si uši a počúvaj !
Tighten your eardrums and give heed !

[4] Len sa mi tak na jazyku pletie.
It keeps floating about on my tongue.

[5] Krúti hlavou ako neveriaci Tomáš.
He shakes his head like a doubting Thomas.

[6] Pravda výjde na vrch ako olej na vodu.
The truth rises to the surface like oil on water.

[7] čnosť a peknosť je milá spoločnosť
Virtue and beauty are a blessed association.

[8] Dobrá práca sama sa chváli.
Fine work is its own flattery.

[9] Dobré svedomie je mäkkíá poduška
A good conscience makes a soft pillow.

[10] Spravedlivá práca ako modlitba.
Honest labor is a form of prayer.

[11] Láska nepotrebuje zákona.
Love need no laws.

[12] Na zajtra je len hnev dobre odkladať.
Anger is the only thing to put off until tomorrow.

[12A] Kto si málo neváži, viacej nezaslúži.
Who is not grateful for a little does not deserve more.

[14] čo máme, o to nedbáme a za iným sa zháňame.
We disregard what we've got, always chasing what we've not.

[15] Bieda nejlepši majster.
Want is the most resourceful master.

[16] Ani nevidí, ani nepočuje od radost.
He can neither see nor hear from joy.

[17] Teši sa, len tak mladne.
So pleased. He keeps getting younger.

[18] Dobrý ako leto.
(As pleasant) a person as a summer day.

[19] Tvár - duše obraz.
The face - the picture of the soul.

[20] Do domu, kde láska byva, slniečko sa rado diva.
The sun loves to peer into the home where love is.

[21] na nos!
Spectacles on the nose! (pay attention).

[22] Dobré slovo lepšie od peňazí.
A kind word is better than cash.

[23] Lepšia hrsť priateľstva, ako voz dukátov.
A handful of friendship is better than a wagon load of gold.

[24] Každý je sám svojho šťastia kováč.
Each of us is the forger of his own happiness.

[25] Človek na tvár, ale Boh na srdce hľadi.
Others read your face, God your heart.

[26] Čas a trpelivosť ruže donáša.
Time and patience bring roses.

[27] Vd'vačnosť a pšenica iba v dobrej zemi rastú.
Gratitude and wheat grow only in good soil .

[28] nemá v hlave, má v pätách.
If you don’t use your head you have to use your feet.

[29] Horši strach, než sama bieda.
Fear is worse than misfortune itself.

[30] Ani Pán Boh všetkým ľud’om nevyhovie.
Even God does not satisfy all people.

[31] Dobrý počiatok, polovica práce.
A good beginning is half the job

[32] Nešťastie ťa nauči modliť sa.
Misfortune teaches us to pray.

[33] Múdry sa nik nenarodil.
No one is born wise.

[34] Keby mladosť znala a starosť mohla.
If youth knew and old age could.

[35] Ľahšie haniť ako zproviť.
It is easier to criticize than to create.

[36] Premôž svoj hnev, pokým je malý.
Kill your anger while it is small.

[37] Nie je dobre toho hnevať, koho musiš zajtrá odprosovať
Don’t anger one to whom you must apologize tomorrow.

[38] Kto sa s prácou oberá, o noviny málo dbá.
The busy care little about gossip.

[39] Lepšia je hodinka na rozmýšľanie, ako rok na banovanie.
Better an hour of thought than a year of regret.

[40] Kto najbližšie kostola býva, ten najneskoršie doň chodieva.
He who lives nearest the church, always comes the latest.

[41] To mu už davno z hlavy vyšumelo.
It oozed out of his head long ago.

[42] Padol mu rozum za sáru.
His reason (judgment) has fallen down into his boots.

[43] Považuj každý deň ako svoj najlepši.
Consider each day as your best day.

[44] Nevieš kto sa ti ešte zíde.
You never know whom you may need.

[45] Kde nieto poriadku, ide všetko do úpadku
Where there is no order, everything is headed toward collapse.

[46] Blázon iba nad svojou škodou zmúdrie.
A fool learns only at his own expense.

[47] Dal rozum do árendy.
Rented out his common sense.

~Slovak Proverbs and Sayings” by Peter P. Yurchak


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