What Is Being A Islamic?
Islam is an Arabic word which means peace, purity, submission, and obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means the complete submission to the will of God and obedience to His law.Everything and every phenomenon in the world, other than humankind, is administered totally by God-made laws; they are obedient to God and submissive to his laws.
Therefore they are in a state of Islam.Humankind posses the qualities of intelligence and choice, thus he/she is invited to submit to the good will of God, obeying His law, i.e. become a Muslim. Islam dates back to the age of Adam and its message has been conveyed to man by God’s Prophets and Messengers including Noah, Abrahim, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (May the peace and blessing of God be upon them);.
Islam’s message has been restored and manifested in the last stage of the religious evolution by God’s last Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad (peace be up them).Allah in the Arabic language refers to God, or more accurately: The One and Only Eternal God, Creator of the Universe, Almighty, Omnipotent, Most Compassionate and Merciful.
Islam is an Arabic word which means peace, purity, submission, and obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means the complete submission to the will of God and obedience to His law.Everything and every phenomenon in the world, other than humankind, is administered totally by God-made laws; they are obedient to God and submissive to his laws.
Therefore they are in a state of Islam.Humankind posses the qualities of intelligence and choice, thus he/she is invited to submit to the good will of God, obeying His law, i.e. become a Muslim. Islam dates back to the age of Adam and its message has been conveyed to man by God’s Prophets and Messengers including Noah, Abrahim, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (May the peace and blessing of God be upon them);.
Islam’s message has been restored and manifested in the last stage of the religious evolution by God’s last Prophet and Messenger, Muhammad (peace be up them).Allah in the Arabic language refers to God, or more accurately: The One and Only Eternal God, Creator of the Universe, Almighty, Omnipotent, Most Compassionate and Merciful.