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Slave Of The Slaves !

There is an amusing story concerning Alexander, the Great. When he came to India, he found that the Indians were a race of brave, fearless people. He made friends with them.

When he was about to return to his country, he remembered that his people had asked him to bring to them an Indian yogi. They had heard a lot about yogis and were very desirous of seeing one, meeting him, hearing him speak and receiving his blessings. Alexander was told that the yogis dwelt in the forest.

In quest of a yogi he went to a forest. Sure enough, he found one sitting underneath a tree, in deep meditation. He waited patiently until the yogi opened his eyes. They shone with a strange, mystic light.

Reverently, Alexander requested the yogi to accompany him to Greece, saying. "I will give you everything you need or ask for. But, pray, do come with me. My people would love to meet you!"

The yogi quietly answered, "I need nothing, I am happy where I am!"
This was the first time that anyone had turned down Alexander's request. He could not control himself. He flew into a rage.

And unsheathing his sword, he thundered, "Do you know who is speaking to you? I am the great king Alexander. If you will not listen to me. I shall kill you- cut you into pieces!"

Unperturbed, the yogi answered. "You cannot kill me! You can only kill my body. And the body is but a garment I have worn. I am not the body. I am that which dwells within the body! I am not the deh. I am the dehin- the indwelling one!"
The yogi continued, "You say you are a king. May I tell you, who you are? You are a slave of my slave!"

Stunned. Alexander asked. "How am I a slave of your slave?"
In a voice tender with compassion, the yogi explained. "I have mastered anger. Anger is my slave. See, how easily you gave way to anger. You are a slave of anger, and, therefore, a slave of my slave!"


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