Love, Work & Give as if you'll die tonight. Dream Like Children as if you're gonna live forever. To gain an understanding of the shortness and preciousness of life and how to make it meaningful we need to reflect on the fact that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain. These points may seem obvious but we rarely stop to accept the truth of them. When we consider that death is certain we can reflect on several points :: there is no possible way to escape death [nobody ever has],
life has a definite, inflexible limit and each moment brings us closer to the end of this life, and
death comes in a moment and it's time is unexpected [and even while alive we devote very little of our life to spiritual practice].
When reflecting on the fact that the time of death in uncertain we can analyse this further by recognising that :: the duration of our lifespan is uncertain
young people can die before old people, the healthy before the sick, etc.
...thoughts of wisdom, sense & senselessness! (by Rahul Breh)